Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 15

"Abba perks up. "Yes, yes! My daughter, she is A plus student. And my other daughter..." Here he trails off. He seems to want to smile, but is afraid, so instead he licks his cracked lips. "you see my brilliant girl here."

I was soooooo happy when her parents finally noticed that she is SUPER smart! who got them out of the mess...not Aisha.....not the stupid lawyer....NADIRA!! she finally got out of her sister's shadow and showed her parents and the judge that she is smart and she can get her family out of a scary and sad mess.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 12 this is THE ONE.....the one to comment on....u kno?

"" Nadira, I've always been like these guys out here, running. You know me. I'll run in any weather, You give me a test, I'll do ten times better than you expect. I'll do anything." she pushes her hand deeper. " But what if I put myself forward, and than they take everything away?" she shakes her head once more. "And then I realized. I can't do this anymore. It's too hard. Too big. Nothing's working. Not the letter. Nothing. Maybe if I just stop wanting it so much, they can't hurt me. I don't want to stand out anymore, Nadira. It hurts too much. I don't want to stand out. Not anymore." This is the first time i've ever done this, but i put my arms around my sister. She feels as if she is all bones, and she's shaking. I don't know what to say. So we sit like that for a long time."

This to me was a very sad part. Aisha just feel apart and told her sister she wants to be....normal? I think that must have been a big sigh for Aisha just to let it out and tell her sister how she felt. I also think it shows that Aisha is learning to be nicer and more....her self. I think Nadira was very understanding and listened to her sister well. I think giving her sister a hug and not aruging was the right thing to do. I really thought that Nadira would have protested on Aisha saying that stuff and make her see the light but i'm glad she didn't because it put a more sad feeling on the chapter.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 11! commenting is CERTAINLY allowed! :D

"We've become a house run by women."

I think this is a bitter sweet sentence, because it shows the girls are stepping up to the plate and showing that they is also sad because not only is there dad gone, but so is there uncle and that also means no money. which isn't good.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10! comment please!!!!!!!

"After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away."

I picked this sentence because i think it showed how scared Nadira really was. She doesn't voice her fear to others, but its growing inside her and she is just bottling it up inside. I think she should really talk more to her sister about how scared she is. They should really work together more than against each other. If they put their heads together they might come up with a way to help their family out.
hey guys don't comment on the blog post called "chapter 9"
i will put up "chapter 10" soon

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

chapter 9

"The next day Aisha and I gingerly make our way to school as if we're afraid that any minute now someone is going to tap us on the elbows and firmly lead us away."

This sentence was one that i really liked because it kinda described the chapter. they were scared. Really scared. But even though they were scared they still went to school and lived their lives. They even tried to fight and get their parents out of the mess. They came together even after a big fight with gravy involved and tried to work together to take care of their family. I think even though they get in alot of fights and Aisha is perfect and treats Nadira like crap, they still would come together to help their family and thats how much they care.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chapter 7

" They always say that no matter what happens to Bangladeshis-floods, storms, droughts, riots,strikes-we keep going."

I think this sentence shows that they are really strong and even if something bad happens to them, they keep going with there head up high. I think all the sentences that start each chapter are really solid.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chapter 6 ROCKS!!

" "Listen. I heard some really amazing news today." "Yeah?" My heart gives a little lift. Maybe she's heard something about Abba. "I've been nominated." "For what?" She pauses. "For valedictorian." She smiles. "Remember i told you a few weeks ago that Friedlander had put his vote for me? And Mrs. Rosen too?""

This part of the chapter really stuck out to me, because of how selfish and stuck up Aisha was being. Aisha should be more concerned about her parents and not about being valedictorian. I think Aisha should stop being such a stuck up, selfish, brat and worry about her parents and try to find a way to help them. I also think she should pay more attention to how her sister is dealing with all of this and mabye...i don't

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I really think Nadira should come out of her shell and get in to the spot light. She as a lot of potential and she should use it and show every one how smart she really is!
I think she is almost there but she needs another big push to get her out of her shell.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 5 log

""you're such a good girl. So sweet and patient. I thank God he gave me a daughter as patient as you. you keep an eye on them." That's not all i am, i want to say, but she has already hung up."

This quote really shows that Nadira wants to speak up for her self but she doesn't have enough self esteem to. I also think her mom has always noticed Nardira, but Nardira has never seen that because she is so focused on what her sister is doing. I also think Nardira should show her parents how smart she REALLY is, because she is smart, she is just being over shadowed by her sister and she should work on stepping out of that shadow and be her own person.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lyndsays great idea

I think Lyndsay makes a great point in her last post.
No one should be treated like Nadira's sister is treating her. if Nadira comes up with a idea or plan Aisha should give her sister the credit! I think Aisha thinks its fun if she treats Nadira like that and i think Nadira should stand up for her self

Sunday, March 1, 2009

my quote for chapter 2 and 3

"We pass a sign: LEAVING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. i see Abba's hand pause as he grabs his chest, rubbing. it hurts, this leaving." pg. 12

I picked this quote because it kinda describes chapter 2. The chapter is full the pain of leaving and fear of being caught. In the quote Abba is in pain because he is leaving the country he wants to call home. I think the whole family is sad to leave, but Abba is the most upset because leaving means that he and his family are also leaving their dreams and the place they want to call home. Fear comes in to the chapter when they are turned away at the border. They are all scared what will happen to them and then there fear comes out when Abba is arrested. Aisha and Ma seem to show the pain and fear, but Nadira keeps her head and stays calm even though she is really scared about what will happen to her and her sister without their parents.