Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 12 this is THE ONE.....the one to comment on....u kno?

"" Nadira, I've always been like these guys out here, running. You know me. I'll run in any weather, You give me a test, I'll do ten times better than you expect. I'll do anything." she pushes her hand deeper. " But what if I put myself forward, and than they take everything away?" she shakes her head once more. "And then I realized. I can't do this anymore. It's too hard. Too big. Nothing's working. Not the letter. Nothing. Maybe if I just stop wanting it so much, they can't hurt me. I don't want to stand out anymore, Nadira. It hurts too much. I don't want to stand out. Not anymore." This is the first time i've ever done this, but i put my arms around my sister. She feels as if she is all bones, and she's shaking. I don't know what to say. So we sit like that for a long time."

This to me was a very sad part. Aisha just feel apart and told her sister she wants to be....normal? I think that must have been a big sigh for Aisha just to let it out and tell her sister how she felt. I also think it shows that Aisha is learning to be nicer and more....her self. I think Nadira was very understanding and listened to her sister well. I think giving her sister a hug and not aruging was the right thing to do. I really thought that Nadira would have protested on Aisha saying that stuff and make her see the light but i'm glad she didn't because it put a more sad feeling on the chapter.


  1. This was a very sad depressing chapter wasn't it? Jeez. Aisha with her whole "i want to be normal" was certainly a shell shocker. i mean, she's worked so hard at being extraordinary, and now she just gives up? Cookies to Nadira for being a good listener- she totally wins first place for shoulder to cry on.

  2. It was a sad chapter. I too, was really shocked when Aisha said she wanted to be normal and stop standing out. She doesn't seem to be standing out! I think Nadira handled the situation really well. She was calm, nurturing, and just plain there for her sister! Like you wrote Kalli, Aisha is really learning to just be herself, and to open up a little more. Very nice work!! You express your thoughts and ideas very well! Good job!

  3. "Shell Shocker". Nice Katy.
    But no, really. I agree that it was a sad chapter. Very depressing to see that Aisha's gone down the drain. I can't say that I miss her grouchy bold witted self, but I can't say that I like this down put Aisha either. Like Katy said --> "Props to Nadira for being a shoulder too lean on.". Or "cookies". Ladies...and Dan, I do believe that we are starting to see the real Nadira and I am very exceedingly happy with this soon to be developed outcome.

  4. i like what kayla said about the "real" Nadira. i think she's right. nadira never really had the room to be all she could be before now.

  5. i also blogged about this
    it was very sad for me because it really reminded me of myself
    i didn't have a full on breakdown like this tho!
    she certainly is 'shell shocked'
    i completely agree

  6. I disagree I don't think it was that sad, but the truth. But I do agree that Nadira would have "protested".


  7. I blogged about the same thing basically. This was a really sad chapter. Poor Aisha! I like you commentary on the subject.

  8. Good Blog!

    I like the way you expressed your thoughts and your relations to the text. This was also a very sad section in the book. Also like Puja said and we talked about in class that it was a shocker that Aisha doesn't want to stand out any longer and she just wants to be normal. I guess after you've had the spotlight for a while it starts to fade away. Good Job.


  9. I think that Nadira is deep. Weird huh? Aisha needs from serious help. Nadira should remind her of what she was like before, although she might become a snotty.... person...

  10. i agree she kind of just let everything out to nadira. But i disagree that she is finding herself. To me it seems she has no idea who she is or who she wants to be.

  11. Katy you certainly have a way with words... :P
    I really like what you said at the beginning of you B(log). I agree that Aisha wanting to be normal is, in the immortal words of katy, a shell shocker. I think that this quote has a much deeper meaning. I think that it means that Aisha is just giving up, and Nadira doesn't know what to do. I think it means that Nadira will have to take over. I think it means a new beginning
    Great B(log)

  12. Great Log Kalli! I agree with what you said, but I had to think a little because the way you descibed it made me think.
    I disagree with Neeli. Nadira should most definetly not remind Aisha of who she used to be. Nadira should be there for Aisha, no matter what happens.
    Thats really sad.

  13. noting what zucky said, and others, i agree. i think that even if Aisha's words last chapter "i'm so tired" don't mean that nadira going to be wearing black for other reasons then gothing out, i still think she'll be out of action for a while. which means nadira's gotta step up and take the reins, or that stage coach is going cliff diving.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I agree, I thought this chapter was very sad— Aisha seems to have given up all hope. It was surprising that she said she wanted to be normal, but what I found most interesting is that she gave up. I predicted that Aisha was much more hopeless than Nadira. In my log #8 I said, “I think that Nadira didn’t get all down in the dumps because younger people have this attitude like, I can save the world type of thing, and they go for it. The older you get, you (probably) think more realistically, and realize how it’s unlikely you can save the world, and just stop trying.” That seems to be the case… Nadira also says I don’t know how, a lot in these latest chapters. I think she should have talked to her teacher to get some advice. He even started the conversation and asked if her family has been harassed, but she lied and that resulted in her loss of opportunity to tell him. There is still a chance she could tell him now…

  16. Katy,
    What you said:
    "i think that even if Aisha's words last chapter "i'm so tired" don't mean that nadira going to be wearing black for other reasons then gothing out, i still think she'll be out of action for a while."
    Didn't make sense to me...can you please explain?

  17. During his part of the chapter I was thinking 'where is the Aisha I know?' because she has completely given up. She says she just want to be normal when in the beginning she striving to stand out and be a great student. I am also kind of happy that Aisha and Nadira are starting to act likes sister. They are starting to open up to one another about how they feel and they have stopped snapping at each other. Even though Aisha has taken a turn for the worst, it doing their sisterly bond some good.

  18. Celesteee, I think what Katy was trying to say that "Other reasons" as in going towards funeral?
    Lets not get into this death situation. I don't think Aisha is going to go suicidal.
    I think that she was trying to say, that Aisha is going to be so "tired" that she isn't going to actually be there. She won't be there, maybe mentally?
    She just won't be dead.

  19. I also disagree with Neeli aka AquaButt. I don't think that Nadira should go digging up the past because maybe this experience for Aisha, is for the better. Maybe she will be nicer after this whole thing...
